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My friend and fellow poet, Lin Benedek, and I are offering classes, community, and resources for writers at our website This endeavor arose from our shared passion for writing and our desire to give back to the writing community that has brought so much to our own lives. From our website, these words express our motivation:


We believe in poetry for the people.  Poetry is not something reserved for a few.  It is part of our everyday lives, whether we know it or not.  In the beginning there was no such thing as poetry without song.  Every time you listen to a song, think of an old nursery rhyme, look at something beautiful or open your mouth you are a witness to it.  Emerson said “Every word was once a poem.”  We want to teach poetry in such a way that everyone from absolute beginner to accomplished writer can benefit.  We believe in the power of poetry to connect us and to heal our souls.


Please check out our online classes and resources, and trade your email for some great writing prompts at our site:


You can also find a description of our first class on Line, Image, and Music: Key Elements of Poetry, which begins January 23rd, at this site under the Events and Workshops button. Our first classes will be on writing poetry. Later we will also offer memoir writing.

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